Click-linked DNA in human cells published in Angewandte Chemie
Our paper in collaboration with Ali Tavassoli (University of Southampton) entitled Transcription of Click-Linked DNA in Human Cells has been published online in Angewandte Chemie.
Two papers published in ChemComm
Two papers have been published in ChemComm in the last month: Triplex-mediated analysis of cytosine methylation at CpA sites in DNA, and Structural insights into how 5-hydroxymethylation influences transcription factor binding (in collaboration with Skirmantas Kriaucionis and Chris Schofield).
Talk in Oxford today
Prof. Tom Brown will be giving a talk entitled Exploring the boundaries of nucleic acid chemistry in the Dyson Perrins Lecture Theatre, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, today (Thursday) at 4pm. All visitors are welcome. See for further information.