429 Papers found

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The Structure of an Idarubicin-d(TGATCA) Complex at High- Resolution

B. Gallois, B. L. Destaintot, T. Brown and W. N. Hunter. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. D. Biol. Crystallogr. 49, 311-317, 1993.

Mismatches in DNA Duplexes

T. Brown, W. N. Hunter and G. A. Leonard. Chem. Br. 29 (6), 484-&, 1993.

Attachment of Vitamin-E Derivatives to Oligonucleotides During Solid-Phase Synthesis

D. W. Will and T. Brown. Tetrahedron Lett. 33 (19), 2729-2732, 1992.

Synthesis and Physical-Properties of anti-HIV Antisense Oligonucleotides Bearing Terminal Lipophilic Groups

C. Mackellar, D. Graham, D. W. Will, S. Burgess and T. Brown. Nucleic Acids Res. 20 (13), 3411-3417, 1992.

Conformation of Guanine.8-Oxoadenine Base-Pairs in the Crystal- Structure of d(CGCGAATT(O8a)GCG)

G. A. Leonard, A. Guy, T. Brown, R. Teoule and W. N. Hunter. Biochemistry 31 (36), 8415-8420, 1992.

Anthracycline Binding to DNA - High-Resolution Structure of d(TGTACA) Complexed with 4'-Epiadriamycin

G. A. Leonard, T. Brown and W. N. Hunter. Eur. J. Biochem. 204 (1), 69-74, 1992.

The Conformational Variability of an Adenosine Inosine Base- Pair in a Synthetic DNA Dodecamer

G. A. Leonard, E. D. Booth, W. N. Hunter and T. Brown. Nucleic Acids Res. 20 (18), 4753-4759, 1992.

Solution Conformation of a Deoxyoligonucleotide Containing Tandem G.A Mismatched Base-Pairs and 3'-Overhanging Ends in d(GTGAACTT)2

A. N. Lane, S. R. Martin, S. Ebel and T. Brown. Biochemistry 31 (48), 12087-12095, 1992.

Very Stable Mismatch Duplexes - Structural and Thermodynamic Studies on Tandem G.A Mismatches in DNA

S. Ebel, A. N. Lane and T. Brown. Biochemistry 31 (48), 12083-12086, 1992.

The Molecular-Structure of a 4'-Epiadriamycin Complex with d(TGATCA) at 1.7-Angstrom Resolution - Comparison with the Structure of 4'-Epiadriamycin d(TGTACA) and d(CGATCG) Complexes

B. L. Destaintot, B. Gallois, T. Brown and W. N. Hunter. Nucleic Acids Res. 20 (14), 3561-3566, 1992.

Barnase Has Subsites That Give Rise to Large Rate Enhancements

A. G. Day, D. Parsonage, S. Ebel, T. Brown and A. R. Fersht. Biochemistry 31 (28), 6390-6395, 1992.

Purification of Synthetic DNA

T. Brown and D. J. S. Brown. Methods Enzymol. 211, 20-35, 1992.

Conformational Properties of the G.G Mismatch in d(CGCGAATTGGCG)2 Determined by NMR

K. L. B. Borden, T. C. Jenkins, J. V. Skelly, T. Brown and A. N. Lane. Biochemistry 31 (23), 5411-5422, 1992.

The Synthesis of Oligonucleotides That Contain 2,4- Dinitrophenyl Reporter Groups

D. W. Will, C. E. Pritchard and T. Brown. Carbohydr. Res. 216, 315-322, 1991.

Interaction of Berenil with the Eco.RI Dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 in Solution Studied by NMR

A. N. Lane, T. C. Jenkins, T. Brown and S. Neidle. Biochemistry 30 (5), 1372-1385, 1991.

NMR Determination of the Solution Conformation and Dynamics of the A.G Mismatch in the d(CGCAAATTGGCG)2 Dodecamer

A. N. Lane, T. C. Jenkins, D. J. S. Brown and T. Brown. Biochem. J 279, 269-281, 1991.

Synthesis of Base Modified Phosphorothioate Oligodeoxynucleotides as Inhibitors of Hiv-1

O. Kemal, T. Brown, S. Burgess, J. D. Bishop and A. J. Leighbrown. Nucleosides Nucleotides 10 (1-3), 555-561, 1991.

Modulation of Interleukin-1-Beta Gene-Expression Using Antisense Phosphorothioate Oligonucleotides

J. Manson, T. Brown and G. Duff. Lymphokine Res. 9 (1), 35-42, 1990.

High-Resolution Structure of a Mutagenic Lesion in DNA

G. A. Leonard, J. Thomson, W. P. Watson and T. Brown. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87 (24), 9573-9576, 1990.

Structural and Thermodynamic Studies on the Adenine Guanine Mismatch in B-DNA

G. A. Leonard, E. D. Booth and T. Brown. Nucleic Acids Res. 18 (19), 5617-5623, 1990.

Showing papers 381-400 of 429 total (Page 20 of 22)

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