Diallo Traoré

Diallo Traoré

Graduate student (2021-)

Originally from France, she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Life Science from the University of Paris Saclay. Followed by a Master’s degree in Chemistry at the University of Paris. During her studies, she conducted a 6-month internship at Oxford University in the Brown group, investigating the synthesis of the 1,5 triazole in DNA using Ruthenium complexes. For her finial Master’s project, she spent 6 months at the University of Montpellier, South of France in the Institute of Biomolecules Max Mousseron in the laboratory of ChemBioNAC, focusing on the synthesis of a molecular switch RNA hairpins using disulfide bridges.
She joined the Brown group focusing her research on live cell imaging using CRISPR-Cas9 systems.”