Dr Nicolo Fantoni

Dr Nicolo Fantoni

Post-doctoral researcher (2019-2022)

Nicolò Zuin Fantoni was born in Padova, Italy.He studied chemistry at the University of Padova, receiving his MSc degree in 2014 for work in bioinorganic chemistry. In 2015, he joined the Kellett group at Dublin City University (DCU) as an Marie Curie PhD student within the ClickGene ITN project. Here, he worked on developing new copper polypyridyl complexes as stabilized artificial metallonucleases (AMN) and linking them to triplex-forming oligonucleotides by CuAAC and SPAAC reactions. In 2019 he joined the Brown group at the University of Oxford, where he is working on the biocompatible triazole linkage.